Wednesday Beavers
Beavers is for youngsters aged 6 – 8 and is the entry point to the Scout Movement.
We meet every Wednesday from 6.30pm until 7.30pm at the Scout Hall in Spylaw Park (just behind the Spylaw Tavern).
Hey guys! We would like to welcome you to the 108th Pentland Wednesday Beaver’s section of the website where you will find all the information you need about Wednesday Beavers with us!
We are a part of the Scouting Association, the largest co-educational youth movement in the world. The Wednesday Beaver Team are just one component of the 108th Pentland Group; providing opportunities for the youngest members of the Scouting Association, those between the ages of 6-8 years old.
We currently have a membership of 24 young people and a leadership team of 6. We enjoy and take great pride in delivering a fun and challenging weekly programme of events. This provides our young people with opportunities to achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. As is the Fundamentals of the Scouting Organisation.
We strive to promote a pleasant, safe and secure environment for our young people to discover and to learn. We promote positive relationships between our young people and our leadership team; we want to ensure our young people feel safe and supported throughout their time in Scouting.
In ensuring your child gets the most out of their experience with us at Beavers, we recognise the importance of strong links with parents and guardians. Parents/guardians are welcome to contact us at any time if they have any questions/queries and we invite you to further strengthen our partnership through your involvement in our evenings where we require additional support.
We hope you enjoy browsing our website! We hope to keep it up to date!
If you want to place your child on our wait list please fill out our waiting list
If you would like any additional information about Wednesday Beavers please contact: Group-queries