Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

108th Pentland Scouts – Anti-Bullying Policy


We normally remind scouts at the start of each term about our policy towards bullying. It is also a core part of our code of conduct that the scouts review regularly. Bullying includes any form of hurtful behaviour towards another person especially when intentional or repeated. Scouts need to be reminded that what might appear to be humour to some people (eg name calling or being teased) can be hurtful to others, and is not acceptable.

Policy about bullying

We encourage all scouts who feel they are being bullied or who think they see others being bullied to speak to a leader in confidence. Normally the leader spoken to would be the duty leader for that night or the permanent scout leader for your section or any leader you feel comfortable speaking to. It is important to let us know your concerns as soon as possible and then we can deal with them in a sensitive manner. We will not tell the other person about your concerns unless you want us to. It is easier for us to help you if you let us know what is happening.

The leaders will do all we can to help. If a formal complaint is made then we will discuss this with you before taking action. In other cases, we will keep a close watch to see how we can help.

Consequences of bullying

As part of normal scout activities, if we observe what might be regarded as bullying then the leaders will discuss your behaviour with you. As a result, you may receive a warning. The leaders will support you if you try to stop the bullying. If it happens again or if the incident appears to be more serious, then we will consider a period of suspension and a discussion with your parents.

This applies to all scouts but if the scout involved is a patrol leader or assistant patrol leader, then this position will be suspended and depending on the circumstances, it will not be automatic that your will be reinstated as a PL or APL. It is especially important that any leaders, including PLs and APLs, are not involved in bullying and it is important that you assist the leader team in making bullying unacceptable in our scouts.


  • Consider whether your actions might be upsetting to someone else and if so stop or seek help to stop
  • Speak to a leader in confidence if you are upset by the actions of someone else
  • Speak to a leader in confidence if you see someone else being upset by the actions of someone else
  • Bullying is not acceptable in our scouts and may lead to suspension
  • On behalf of the leader team

108th Pentland Scouts

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III